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  1. @Danny777 I fixed Egyptian. Should be showing proper payouts now. Please verify it and I will push it to the GitHub once you tell me its good. I checked payouts, and earthquake, and symbols. should be 100% now. I also fixed the picture size issue so it looks better now too. https://bcverify.gdoc.win/
  2. No offense bro, but the submission you sent in was an exact replica copy and paste, based on the work done by @真是的back in 2020. The original source code for that project lives here https://github.com/alpha-one-two/BC-Game-Saviour-Sword/. Part of the original contest rules was Submit an original work, do not copy others work and blindly paste it.. Since you said you're not a coder I'm failing to understand how you can take credit and want a reward for plagiarism.
  3. @Danny777 I created a Pull Request to your GitHub of the built project files. Please verify. @DFdubGParticipation trophies? Can't blame ya for trying haha. Here you go:
  4. @Danny777 Since my project is an all in one project using the Svelte Framework, I pushed all my source code to my GitHub. Feel free to fork or merge however they see necessary. Not sure if they wanted HTML files or what. I have made the source for those games fully available on my GitHub. If they need it done a different way please let me know. https://github.com/gngenius02/bc-hackathon Not fully sure how they want me to commit it to their GitHub when its a whole project, with multiple files and resources.
  5. @Danny777 I added the payouts to the the game. I haven't checked at all if its correct but I will automatically check tomorrow and fix if not. Really tired now. I know I have a lot of UI adjustments I want to make too so this isn't final, yet. I will do all the final touches once I have everything working and verified.
  6. @Danny777 Please ignore my last message. I got it working properly. https://bcverify.gdoc.win/ Please re-verify. Just need to add payout. That I can work on today/tomorrow. Every time I think "shouldn't be too hard" it ends up being extra hard, so I'm not going to say that. I am going to work on it though. Also, can you please find out what type of License they want on the source code repository? Is "Apache 2.0" okay, or do they want something more specific?
  7. @Danny777 Question: Is there any chance you could provide me with a temp account or access to the game where I have the serverseed without the need to change it first? ( kinda like a "play money" game ) The only way for me to verify anything now is to record my screen and guess the nonce after I changed the seed. (Really hard to work on the game like this) Regarding the testing, I am seeing on a single win (1 drop) the correct drops come. Only on more than a single win it starts throwing incorrect symbols. (Its a known issue as stated in my previous post) I will double check. I am sure I could add display of winning amounts. Probably could show the total at the end, would that be enough? Solution: I am going to rewrite the code to make it easier to debug. Then work on completing it. I have over 250 lines of code right now but most of it is condensed and pretty hard to debug. Extra: If you could wrap up the other games that would be great help to me. Would really help me get what I need to get this game done. I am running on fumes as far as my brain power because I couldn't afford my mediation this week. Regardless, I won't quit until its done. I've made it too far and spent too much time to quit now.
  8. @Danny777 Just an update. I found some bugs that I fixed already. It was showing the icons inverted. That's definitely fixed now. Hopefully, you didn't check that first version lol. This version should be much better. There's one more bug I'm still working on, should be sorted sometime today. I will update this post after it's fixed. (bug when there is multiple rounds of elimination doesn't seem to be working properly.) Edit: Ive spent the last 8 hours debugging this program and every step is working as it should. I'm guessing there's another error in the pdf for this section? Please contact me.
  9. @Danny777 The "WILD" images I need to get all the different sizes. I think its working. I was too tired to verify it works properly after doing the GUI. I will test some more tomorrow and get the correct size images. and align everything nicer. It's live on https://bcverify.gdoc.win
  10. @Danny777 Progress: This verifier has been really hard. I've wanted to give up many times, but I'm getting close now. I need to take a day off tomorrow for personal reasons but day after I will most likely finish. Completed: I have the baseReel and wildReels working perfectly. I have the elimination functions worked out as well (this was really testing my ability). The image below shows a practice run for eliminating matched symbols. First row is the test results second row is after eliminate function runs, last row is how many symbols are needed for the drop. Remaining: Handle drops after eliminating wins GUI. Issues: Note: I've already figured out these issues this info is just to verify and for devs to update pdf. The highlighted line in the picture below should read as the line below (this took me a long time to figure out): hash=HMAC_SHA256 (clientSeed:nonce:round:times, serverSeed) I think the Wild weight table is backwards. Top portion is from pdf and bottom is my version. It's the only way I get the correct reels selected.
  11. Hello @Danny777 The data is either not complete or incorrect. The Data you pasted in thread only reaches max of 251 rows. The pdf shows: 277 rows for the BaseReels1 and 2 (missing 26 rows in 6 columns) 326 rows for FreeReel (missing 74 rows in 6 columns) 317 rows for WildReel (missing 66 rows in 1 column) @Danny777Please get me the complete data! At least for the base reels. Here's a screenshot, the top part is from this thread and the bottom part from the pdf. Progress Update: Completed: The Reels that have LESS than 251 rows in the base game I have working properly. I assume the longer reels will work properly once the correct data is used. Remaining: Eliminate functions Drop Symbols. Wilds.
  12. @Danny777Yes!!! This is something I could definitely work with. Let me try to understand the algo now that I have data to select from. I will report back in a day or two.
  13. Hey @Danny777 I figured out I could view the new pdf in chrome. However, the whole thing is now an image and none of the text is selectable. This pdf went into an opposite direction. Can you please have the developers who are working on clearing this up, contact me directly? If that's not possible, it's okay. I just need the data from the tables in a format I can use, not images. EDIT: I don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner, but I left an issue on the GitHub repo. Hopefully the devs see it and understand what's needed. I really would like to get this done as well.
  14. Hello @Danny777, Now I only see a blank white page. I don't know what's going on. Also, I don't think I was clear on what I needed before. Updating the pdf probably won't resolve my issue. Hopefully the following screenshot can help you understand what I mean. As you can see the text above the table is selectable, but the table data is not. I need to be able to select the text inside of the tables (to copy it). It could be csv, excel, html, anything but not png.
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