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BC Game Presents Provably Fair Hackathon


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Where is our smart coders now ? lets see some submissions


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Cheers mates, 🍻  my friend and i are on it. 

Any prefered code base?


Edit: Neverminded i found the verifier for the classic dice and it is through HTML /  JS and is hosted through GitHub for the production site. No more queries here 🙂

Edited by Mavrick951
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  On 1/13/2022 at 11:05 AM, Danny777 said:

Where is our smart coders now ? lets see some submissions


they're working paid gigs

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  On 1/14/2022 at 7:07 PM, InvictaLux said:

they're working paid gigs


exactly with the pandemic some of us have hosted services to scale for all those working and learning remotely haha.

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Given that every bet starts with hashing the string made by combining server seed hash and client seed string, this should prove to be a bit of a challenge without a way to either query my own bets one at a time to test in compiler via API or maybe use canary to hijack the redirect from the verify button.... [which could be incredibly time consuming] OR maybe you guys can give us an old dump of sequential bet data with many different server/client seed pairs?

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Efn nerds! Wish I was one!

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  1. Submitted work needs to  be open-source so that anyone is able to fork and replicate it.

  2. Submit an original work, do not copy others work and blindly paste it.

the irony. 

open the source code for bc.game.  🙂

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I am not a dev, i am just a BA, so I can not take part as participant in this Ha-ha-talk Hakhathon therefore I worked a lot with SLA of making some features more user friendly. So, after reading  upper written ideas about how to develop, I just want to mention once again the key words which  listed  below.

  1.  third party tool/script

  2. usable by non-devs 

  3. user friendly 

  4. open-source 

  5. original work, not a copy of existed tool (in meaning if you are not its owner/dev...)

If someone once upon a time would ask my opinion about what it has to look like I`ll answear that it`s better to realised it not as a script with instruction placed on the BC site next to games, because users could still have some suspisious about using even yours third party placed on github or I dont now where else tool or script developrd by yours bare hands and souls brains. Because what if BC will once change the algorythm hiddenly from anyone? It is their site, the content is their property, and it is a nice business to have a casino with house edge in their own games promised on the lowest level  eou could image ever - only 1%, and additionaly their own on-site tool, created "under 3d parties devs label"... "...may be yes may be no - who knows exectly?" - that what those users could be thinking about... And I only may add to their thoughts one of my own:: "Yeah, this BC-guys are going towards the success and millions dollars wealthness... but not with the help of my money I earned working so hard...""

So it should be a Telegramm bot, which could be simply opened from BC by clicking on a link or a button. The key difference is that the Telegram is an app which belonged  tio the users as they think  (ofcause, it is not proper exectly, but at least users installed it from appstor ore google play themselfs, and not because BC wants it), the tool is not more a part of BC site content - it is open source bot which able to be used by any casino(?) and/or to be added to users chats  / groups / communities in Telegram, gathering from group to group the number of its own users (subscribers). It is something like a mini gambling Skynet, being created by human's devs, but having "ran away"" sonewhere to the World Wide Web loosing any relations to its "bot fathers'" and BC.games, as a devs stakeholder, and becaming some kind of  a "wild thing" in rhe worlds gambling comunity.  B[)

P.S. Find me if you will need a BA  to make busineass requirements for such a bot or any other)) 

Edited by bufu
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  On 1/15/2022 at 2:05 PM, bufu said:

I am not a dev, i am just a BA, so I can not take part as participant in this Ha-ha-talk Hakhathon therefore I worked a lot with SLA of making some features more user friendly. So, after reading  upper written ideas about how to develop, I just want to mention once again the key words which  listed  below.

  1.  third party tool/script

  2. usable by non-devs 

  3. user friendly 

  4. open-source 

  5. original work, not a copy of existed tool (in meaning if you are not its owner/dev...)

If someone once upon a time would ask my opinion about what it has to look like I`ll answear that it`s better to realised it not as a script with instruction placed on the BC site next to games, because users could still have some suspisious about using even yours third party placed on github or I dont now where else tool or script developrd by yours bare hands and souls brains. Because what if BC will once change the algorythm hiddenly from anyone? It is their site, the content is their property, and it is a nice business to have a casino with house edge in their own games promised on the lowest level  eou could image ever - only 1%, and additionaly their own on-site tool, created "under 3d parties devs label"... "...may be yes may be no - who knows exectly?" - that what those users could be thinking about... And I only may add to their thoughts one of my own:: "Yeah, this BC-guys are going towards the success and millions dollars wealthness... but not with the help of my money I earned working so hard...""

So it should be a Telegramm bot, which could be simply opened from BC by clicking on a link or a button. The key difference is that the Telegram is an app which belonged  tio the users as they think  (ofcause, it is not proper exectly, but at least users installed it from appstor ore google play themselfs, and not because BC wants it), the tool is not more a part of BC site content - it is open source bot which able to be used by any casino(?) and/or to be added to users chats  / groups / communities in Telegram, gathering from group to group the number of its own users (subscribers). It is something like a mini gambling Skynet, being created by human's devs, but having "ran away"" sonewhere to the World Wide Web loosing any relations to its "bot fathers'" and BC.games, as a devs stakeholder, and becaming some kind of  a "wild thing" in rhe worlds gambling comunity.  B[)

P.S. Find me if you will need a BA  to make busineass requirements for such a bot or any other)) 



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Hi I do photography and have a game in mind just don't have the appropriate skills to harness alone.  Great outlook 


M Ray

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Screw it delete my post

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  On 1/15/2022 at 2:05 PM, bufu said:

I am not a dev, i am just a BA, so I can not take part as participant in this Ha-ha-talk Hakhathon therefore I worked a lot with SLA of making some features more user friendly. So, after reading  upper written ideas about how to develop, I just want to mention once again the key words which  listed  below.

  1.  third party tool/script

  2. usable by non-devs 

  3. user friendly 

  4. open-source 

  5. original work, not a copy of existed tool (in meaning if you are not its owner/dev...)

If someone once upon a time would ask my opinion about what it has to look like I`ll answear that it`s better to realised it not as a script with instruction placed on the BC site next to games, because users could still have some suspisious about using even yours third party placed on github or I dont now where else tool or script developrd by yours bare hands and souls brains. Because what if BC will once change the algorythm hiddenly from anyone? It is their site, the content is their property, and it is a nice business to have a casino with house edge in their own games promised on the lowest level  eou could image ever - only 1%, and additionaly their own on-site tool, created "under 3d parties devs label"... "...may be yes may be no - who knows exectly?" - that what those users could be thinking about... And I only may add to their thoughts one of my own:: "Yeah, this BC-guys are going towards the success and millions dollars wealthness... but not with the help of my money I earned working so hard...""

So it should be a Telegramm bot, which could be simply opened from BC by clicking on a link or a button. The key difference is that the Telegram is an app which belonged  tio the users as they think  (ofcause, it is not proper exectly, but at least users installed it from appstor ore google play themselfs, and not because BC wants it), the tool is not more a part of BC site content - it is open source bot which able to be used by any casino(?) and/or to be added to users chats  / groups / communities in Telegram, gathering from group to group the number of its own users (subscribers). It is something like a mini gambling Skynet, being created by human's devs, but having "ran away"" sonewhere to the World Wide Web loosing any relations to its "bot fathers'" and BC.games, as a devs stakeholder, and becaming some kind of  a "wild thing" in rhe worlds gambling comunity.  B[)

P.S. Find me if you will need a BA  to make busineass requirements for such a bot or any other)) 


Thanks for your feedback, the tool being open source means anyone can verify the code Most competition will limit verification to in house which raises some type of alarm, we want community and beyond to help us build, open source and more trusted.


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still waiting on our  coders, lets see the skills you all have 🙂!🙂


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Good news is at least 1 person is working on this 😄

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  On 1/21/2022 at 5:48 AM, Mavrick951 said:

Good news is at least 1 person is working on this 😄


nice would love the see the final result.


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  On 1/15/2022 at 12:21 AM, observe said:

Given that every bet starts with hashing the string made by combining server seed hash and client seed string, this should prove to be a bit of a challenge without a way to either query my own bets one at a time to test in compiler via API or maybe use canary to hijack the redirect from the verify button.... [which could be incredibly time consuming] OR maybe you guys can give us an old dump of sequential bet data with many different server/client seed pairs?


None of that is necessary. The algorithms we use to generate game results are open source. The last time we held this contest two guys working independently were able to create working tools with less than a few hundred lines of code per game. This was before we updated the algorithms which is why we need updated tools. We are not asking for a complicated web app or sophisticated program. This is child's play to even novice coders. The exception would be our slots games, Egyptian and Savior Sword. Not because they are more complicated but because the algorithms are uploaded to github in png format rather than typed in. They still use the same provably fair style algorithms though making this a very simple task.



For inspiration.


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I don't know if this is what is being asked or maybe I'll get flamed out but hey this is the internet and what's life about if not being flamed every now and then for trying. After all mistake and failing is how you progress and become the teacher. So here is my attempt. Thank you and if I need to I implement server, api and such I can further explain thathttps://www.notion.so/Provably-Fair-Script-44e8bdd174c94b36bc1d22381928be2f

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Ur moms provably fair

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Hi, I took a quick look at it, and put things together so it works with Keno Single for example.

But before I go any further I wanted to know if this is actually the goal of this event.

See example below (used allot of your own codes and combined it, but just want to know if this is what it has to be).



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I have been really sick with covid for 4 weeks. If you give me some time to recover, I can definitely get to work on this. Once I'm fully recovered, I can probably have a prototype for all games done in 2-3 days max. Give me 1 week please. I see doctor tomorrow.

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I'm  not a big fan of adding graphics and stuff, just plain letters and numbers to check if its legit.

I just used and combined code I found on github and bc.game to make it work.

Its quite basic and no graphics, but easy to use for players.

It is to verify the kenonumbers on kenosingle:

https://trusting-leavitt-f9731d.netlify.app/keno single verify



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